New Ownership, New Direction, New Excitement

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New Ownership, New Direction, New Excitement. On February 13th, 2016, Zimco Gauge & Valves Ltd. was acquired by The Geddes Family. The business was purchased from its founders, Ron & Diane Zimmerman, after being in the business for 38 years. From the very beginning, Zimco thrived on being known as a dependable Alberta distributor of oil and gas products. But over the years Zimco has grown and expanded, having now sold its products all over the world.

Today Zimco is recognized as an industry leader for its exceptional, quality product lines; for its thorough understanding of industry applications and product knowledge; and for its uncompromised commitment to customer service. Zimco’s front line sales and service personnel have over 175 years of combined company experience. Zimco has established a level of excellence that only they can be motivated to exceed. The new ownership is totally impressed by the employee’s dedication and devotion to their customers, and is employing strategies and initiatives to further improve upon the companies’ solid reputation. What also should be acknowledged are the long-standing relationships the company has had with the manufacturers of its quality, brand-leading products. Zimco is so appreciative of the unwavering support they have shown the company throughout the years and through this transition. 

The new owners are a Calgary based family that has been participating in the oil and gas industry for over 40 years. It is the new ownership’s intent to continue the excellent traditions of the company from the past, and to commit additional resources and capital to grow and expand the company to new levels in the future. The leadership team of the company will be Michael Geddes and Paul Geddes, along with General Sales Manager Ron Becker who has been with the company since inception. With the exception of a few additions, the entire workforce was kept in place in their existing roles and assignments following the closing of the transaction.

Since closing the acquisition, the new ownership has launched in to several new initiatives and programs to change the direction and business performance of the company. Starting with a re-branding program including a new logo, new company colours, new marketing materials; and a new company name – Zimco Instrumentation Inc. The same founding name, but introducing “instrumentation” to more appropriately recognize our evolving product offering. At the same time a new, modern, top-of-the-line website will be launched to more concisely introduce our full-compliment of compatible products; we have replaced our software and hardware systems to more rapidly and precisely respond to our customer’s needs’; along with a new inventory planning MRP system to enhance on hand product levels and on time delivery performances. An expansion to both inside and outside sales resources, including the intent to cover outlying regional territories more frequently, and studies are underway to consider establishing district sales, service and warehousing operations. And throughout the organization, a Continuous Improvement Program has been introduced to consistently change the way we do business. Separate discussions are underway to negotiate the distribution rights to additional, complimentary product lines, primarily from our existing manufacturer relationships. This may result in a requirement for Zimco to either expand, or move its Calgary operations to a new larger facility.

At Zimco, the new ownership is introducing a new wave, a new direction, a new pledge of support to the business. All of these initiatives confirm our commitment to our customers, our manufacturers, and our employees. Our goal, is to be known as “quite simply the best”, at what we do!

So, at Zimco, New Ownership, New Direction, New Excitement

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