- Subplate Mounted Heavy Duty Valve
- Sub-plate mounted manifold valve – Shear-Seal® directional control for fluids and gasses up to 4,500 psi
- Applications
Steel mills
Shipboard hydraulic control systems
Refineries and chemical processing plants
Power generation facilities
Working Pressure: Hydraulic oil or lubricated water up to 4,500 psi (310 bar)
Flow Capacity, Cv: See table
Back Pressure: Must not exceed 250 psi (17.2 Bar) at return port for satisfactory operation
Pressure Drop: 14 psi (0.96 bar) at 20 ft/sec
* See Supplemental Guide for more detailed information
Proof Pressure: 1-1/2 times working pressure except at return port
Burst Pressure: 2-1/2 times working pressure except at return port (3,000 psi [206 bar])
Media Temperature Range: -40° to +250°F (-40° to +121°C)