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Product Specs

With only the hose in contact with the fluid being pumped and no check valves in the line, Graco’s SoloTech peristaltic pumps are ideal for materials that other pumps cannot handle. Abrasive, corrosive, shear-sensitive, and gas-entrapped fluids can easily be pumped or administered to your application.

  • Efficient pumping action – One hose compression per revolution extends hose life
  • Low maintenance – No valves, seals, or glands
  • Reversible – Pumps can be used to empty lines or clear blockages
  • Extended hose life – Only one hose compression per revolution

Our BLDC motor/gearbox can handle a very large flow rate range, avoiding the need for different gearboxes for multiple applications.

Graco SoloTech

SoloTech Hose Pump


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