TESCOM Ultra High Purity MiniLabo2 Regulator

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Emerson Tescom Logo Cropped


Product Specs

TESCOM™ Ultra High Purity MiniLabo2 Regulator: Ultra High Purity MiniLabo 2 is a point-of-use regulator for high purity applications with a compact, modular ergonomic design. All connections are 1/4″ Internal VCR® for reduced leak rates. Ideal for use in high purity applications, reduces line pressure to working pressure, laboratory, research & development and analyzer applications.

  • Maximum inlet Pressure: 580 psig / 40.0 bar
  • Maximum Outlet Pressure: 22, 58, 145 psig / 1.5, 4.0, 10.0 bar
  • Leakage Rate against atmosphere: 10-8 mbar l/sec He each connection
  • Nominal Flow Rate: 1-200 LPM based on Nitrogen
  • Operating Temperature: -4°F to 158°F / -20°C to 70°C
Product Specs
Product Specs
Tescom Ultra High Purity Minilabo 2

TESCOM Ultra High Purity MiniLabo2 Regulator


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